improve your english online

When you’re a teacher, it’s almost immediately obvious which of your students regularly practise their spoken English outside of class.

They are the ones who grasp instructions quickly, use more colloquial expressions and their accent is often a little closer to that of a native speaker.

Unlike grammar, vocabulary, or even written production, oral comprehension cannot be studied and improved quickly.

Instead, it is a matter of regular practice leading to gradual and steady progress.

This does not mean that improving your oral comprehension skills has to be a marathon.
Try some of these tips on how to become a champion online listener and ace your speaking comprehension exam.

Use English learning websites

There are many websites dedicated to speaking comprehension skills, which categorize their material by level of difficulty. This allows students to choose the appropriate level for their needs and progress gradually.

Watch Youtube

Watching YouTubers is a fun way to practice oral comprehension. Choose a youtuber with whom you have common interests and watch their videos. This can improve your comprehension pleasantly.


See Podcasts

Great suggestions for practicing listening comprehension! Podcasts are indeed an excellent resource, as they offer a variety of topics and different levels of difficulty. Also, the practice of dictating spelling can be very useful as it improves spelling accuracy and comprehension of written language.

Speak English at every opportunity

You can also try holding discussions with classmates or join online communities where you can exchange views in real time. This can improve your ability to listen and respond quickly.

Watch Ted

In addition, the suggestion to use for talks is excellent as it provides a variety of topics and is interesting for many. The website also provides subtitles, which can help with comprehension and spelling.

Watch series

It is an excellent idea to watch an online series to practice your speaking comprehension skills.
It is important to note that repetition plays an important role in improving comprehension. Listening to the same episodes several times can help to practice and understand new words and phrases. You can also use reading subtitles to focus on the audio-visual combination of words and spoken expression.

Whichever way you choose, remember that regular practice is crucial. Seek to devote regular periods of time  practicing in order to see real positive results. Whether it’s watching web series, listening to podcasts, performing spelling dictation exercises, or other methods, consistent practice will enhance your language skills.